Greenway Clean-way Day-Saturday April 22nd (Earth Day) 9am
Hello Greenway friends. I am happy to say that our 12th semi-annual Greenway Clean-way Day is falling on Earth Day this year. Please spread the word and bring a friend and join us on Saturday, April 22nd, at 9am at one of the four meeting spots on the attached flyer. NYC Parks will provide the bags and gloves and we have some pickers from previous events that hopefully will not disappear.
Even if you have not participated in the past, please consider doing so this time around. And if you are able to share this note with your own email list or organization, it would be greatly appreciated.
Please think about inviting neighbors and their children or grandchildren. A lot of children need community service hours for school and this is a great opportunity for them.We will provide them with community service participation forms that morning. The more volunteers we have the greater area we can cover.
Let's celebrate our great Earth and our great community for an hour or two together that morning.
Thanks a lot and hope to see you on the 22nd. Mike Shoule