Annual Strider Thanksgiving Food Drive
Saturday, Nov 14th thru Sunday, November 29th
The Our Lady of Lourdes Food Pantry on 220th Street is one of the closest to the park and we want to benefit the local community. The Lourdes pantry serves over 85 families; many are single mothers, senior citizens or disa- bled. It serves Queens Village, Bellerose, Floral Park and lower Bay- side. The pantry is also part of the Hunger Help Line, where anyone can call for help. They get desperate callers.
The Covid crisis has particularly hurt many food pantries and the needs have increased as so many workers have lost their jobs. Although these are turbulent times we all have some blessings to count. It’s a great time to help those in need with what we can, whether it be material goods or prayers or, preferably, both. We Striders have been very generous in the past.
Needs include: Instant potatoes, sugar, coffee, tea, desserts including pudding and jell-o, non-perishables, evaporated milk, soup, Rice-a-Roni, hot and cold cereal, cookies, juices, peanut butter, jelly, canned fruit and vegetables, condiments, spices, cooking oil. Boxed stuffing, gravy mixes, cake, bread and muffin mixes, boxed milk.
Cash and checks also welcome. Gift cards from any supermarket are welcome (but those from Key Food are especially appreciated). Currently they do not need pasta.
Look for the food bin in the park house. Make checks payable to: Our Lady of Lourdes. Put "Food Pantry" in the memo area. Give to any Board member or John Sassone.
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa
